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6 Ways To Prepare For September Surge 2024 During The Summer

Written by Millennial In debt on June 23, 2024

Summer is my absolute favorite season, but frankly speaking… It is not the best season to land a new job. Is it possible… b, but the likelihood is substantially lower than September surge hiring. 

September surge

Why is that the case? 

The main reason: hiring slows down in the summer because recruiters, hiring managers and job seekers entire summer mode. Most people tend to take a vacation or two during the summer months. 

Secondary reason: Many companies are entering their first reevaluation era for the year (the second one happens at the end of the year). Oftentimes in the summer, companies are taking a look at budgets, re-visiting KPIs and OKRs, all while creating new goals based off of Q1 and Q2 performance.

They will have a better understanding of what shifts they want to make for the EOY with a new game plan. This is essentially what leads to the influx of hiring opportunities during the September surge.   

That means you’re going to use this time to do some similar strategizing.

6 Ways To Prepare For The September Surge During The Summer

September surge

1. Set Clear Goals:  

Goals without plans are simply a wish. If your goal is to land a new high paying job during the September surge, we need to make sure you are  READY to land that job with clear precise goals. 

Here’s where you should start: 

  • Defining Your Objectives: You need to know the specific kinds of jobs you are looking for and what steps are needed to get them. That means if you are looking up specific roles and notice they are all asking for the same type of certification, or a portfolio, set a goal to learn more / obtain that certification OR create your portfolio BEFORE sending out cold applications.
  • Setting Achievable Milestones: After you’ve defined your objectives you need to break them down into smaller manageable tasks that you can accomplish while still living your life. If you’re working a traditional 9-5 right now, it may not be possible to spend 10 hours a day preparing your applications …etc, so your milestone may be 5 hours a week. 

    You can break down your job search into any variation of manageable tasks that you’d like (ex: updating your resume, applying to a certain number of jobs each week, attending 3 networking events a month, sending out 4 connection requests a day…etc.) Whatever your goals are right down the milestone tasks for each set! 
  • Track Your Progress: Once you have your game plan set, make sure you  are able to track your progress. That means the good  and the bad so you have a full picture of your routine. Keep a job search journal or spreadsheet to monitor your applications, follow-ups, and interviews. You can also use  a digital option that automates it for you like Teal. 1

1 affiliate link 

september surge

2. Update and Customize Your Application Materials

Your resume is your calling card and is ultimately what helps you get your foot in the door. It should not be a stagnant document that you send out with little to no updating. You want to  tailor your resume to the role. If you’re applying to similar roles you can make minor adjustments to your standard resume. For example a Social Media Manager and Content Strategist often have overlapping skills in their respective job descriptions that would only require minimal adjustments on your  resume. However, the same may not be the case for the Social Media Manager role and Growth or Paid Media Marketing Manager. 

Update your resume accordingly to the roles you are most interested in. 

Take the time this summer to also ⬇️ 

  • Highlighting Summer Projects: any projects you work on during the Summer will likely be at the top of your  resume. Make sure you highlight their impact (metrics are always a smart route) to not only align with the roles you are applying for but also to stand out as a unique candidate. If you’ve taken on any freelance work, internships, or volunteer projects over the summer, make sure these are included as well, but only if relevant.
  • Incorporating Keywords: You’ve spent a great amount of time researching the companies you’re interested in and the roles you want to apply to, it would be a shame for  all that work to go in vain because a computer couldn’t identify your greatness. Use industry-specific keywords on your resume to have a better chance at beating the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

3. Leverage Seasonal Opportunities

Seasonal opportunities are not just for the Fall / Winter. In fact Summer is filled with opportunities that can enhance your job search and make you a viable unique candidate during the September surge. If you have the capacity try to ⬇️

  • Internships and Temporary Positions: Throw your hat in the ring for any internships or temporary positions (contract positions are heavy in the summer) that align with the roles that have piqued your interest. This is a key way to also gain experience that you may not have as a non traditional employee. These positions and opportunities are also great ways to network and can often transition into a full time position if you do a good job. 
  • Volunteering: Volunteering can help you build new skills, expand your network, and fill any employment gaps on your resume. They also show how valuable community is to you, which is a major green flag when it comes to cultural fit.
  • Seasonal Networking Events: Attend industry conferences, workshops, and social gatherings. These can be less formal and provide a relaxed environment to make new connections that may turn into potential referrals down the line 🤞

4. Expand Your Network

Easier said than done but, networking is crucial more now than ever in this job market. The summer offers unique opportunities to build and strengthen professional relationships. People tend to be a bit nicer during the summer (I know I sure am) and may be willing to connect more, 

  • Reconnecting: Use the summer slump to reconnect with former colleagues, mentors, and classmates that may be able to support your job search actively during the September surge.
  • Networking Events: Look for local meetups, industry seminars, and community events. These tend to pop up a bit more during the Summer months (during the holiday months as well FYI for future notice).
  • Online Networking: The Summer makes it harder to hide, and more socially acceptable to be a bit more mixy  than usual. But… sometimes you simply can’t make it to every IRL session. Online networking is key! Participate on apps like Fishbowl, joining LinkedIn groups, virtual job fairs and online forums related to your industry that’ll allow you to get some face to face time and converse with other people about your job search. 
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5. Boost Your Skills

This step is critical especially if you’ve been applying for a ton of roles and hearing back crickets 🦗 There may be a bit of a skills gap and you’re about to use the Summer to your advantage to help close that gap. 

Here’s how you can use the Summer enhance your skill set, and turn yourself into the candidate of these companies dreams ⬇️

  • Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer a wide range of courses to help you stay competitive. 
  • Certifications: Obtain certifications relevant to your field. That does not mean you need to go out and collect random certifications like Infinity stones. Certifications can set you apart from other candidates, while also helping you learn more about your desired role/ industry. Some are pricier than others so be sure to do your research and confirm that the certification is absolutely necessary. Google also has a ton of free certifications, with one program starting up at the end of the summer that can help you land 1 of 4 industry leading certifications in 12 weeks. Did I mention it was FREE! You can learn more about it here!  
  • Workshops and Webinars: Attend virtual or in-person workshops and webinars to keep your knowledge current and meet like-minded professionals. This is also a 2-FER as it can become a very great way to network with people in your industry with similar backgrounds. 

6. Stay Organized and Consistent

Organization and consistency are key to overcoming the Summer slump and being prepared for the September surge. 🗣️ STAY READY SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO GET READY! 

You will want to have some variation of the following 🔽

  • Daily Routine: Establish a daily routine for your job search activities, including time for job applications, networking, and skill-building. To avoid burnout… try and stick to this routine and schedule holistically. I know for myself especially, if I find myself to be  in a groove I don’t want to disrupt it for fear of never getting it back. That is a sure fire way to gaslight myself and ultimately BURN 🔥 OUT! Take breaks when you need them, and account time in your routine for self care during the process. 
  • Task Lists: Like mentioned previously, your milestone tasks should be listed out. I personally prefer a digital space to type them up (my iPad is perfect for this) and I stick to 2-3 tasks a day to avoid being overwhelmed. You can use task lists or job search apps to stay organized and ensure you’re covering all bases. 
  • Follow Up: Always follow up on applications and interviews. A polite follow-up can keep you top of mind for employers and can truly make a world of difference on your outcome. 

The Summer job search slump is real, but that doesn’t mean you should give up applying. If you want more support on how to navigate the Summer slump you can head here

Now is the time to take advantage of the slow down so when September surge opportunities arise, you can approach them strategically. You’ve got your goals set, your game plan in hand, and now you’re updating your application materials. 

Now is the time to leverage seasonal opportunities, expand your network, and close your skills gap because you are more than willing to do the work and absolutely deserving of a higher paying less toxic job! And in case you forget, just come back here and let me remind you yet again. This is your year and that new job is  just over the horizon! Let’s go get it! 

Until next time,  


Hey there! I'm Melissa, co-founder of Trials n Tresses, natural hair and beauty lover, binge tv watcher and lover of life. When I am not creating content for TNT, I'm busy teaching the future of society.
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