all things modern, bougie & millennial

The Ultimate Girl's Weekend Getaway Packing List

Written by Millennial In debt on May 25, 2018

I love to travel. It is in my top 3 favorite things to do, however I hate packing. I hate packing so much that I usually leave it to last minute (I've packed for a 7 day trip to Europe hours before the flight). Luckily I've never really had any major packing fiascos that have made me want to take it much more serious than I do. I'm also really good at making lists (in case you haven't noticed by the sheer volume of lists on the site). These lists help me stay organized and serve as a checklist of what I have already packed, and what still needs to be packed. To top it off, I've also gotten much better at it because of many many many hours watching people pack efficiently on Youtube. I'm what you call a heavy carry on packer. I don't like checking my bags (mostly because I have a fear of them being lost) because I don't like waiting for them at my destination. This means that most of the time I have to have travel size items (lotions, face wash, hair products...etc).


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Thankfully for my upcoming trip to Montreal (and a little bit of Vermont too) I get to totally pack like a wild woman because we are driving instead of flying (did I mention I don't really love road trips that are longer than 3 hours...). This weekend girls trip getaway is a much needed break from reality even if it is only just for a few days. And while we may not have a full itinerary of things to do on a daily basis (we're more of a go with the flow kind of group) I do like to have outfits prepared for wherever the weekend may take me.

These suggestions are simple, basic, yet efficient suggestions to keep you covered no matter where you're going, or what you plan on doing!

Girl's Weekend Getaway Packing List

The Ultimate Girl's Weekend Getaway Packing List

1. Undergarments: Obviously you're going to need undergarments unless you plan on going completely commando. My mother's underwear rule has stuck with me my entire life and it is absolutely being passed down to my future son and or daughter. Underwear: double the amount of underwear for the amount of days. So since I'm going away for Memorial Day Weekend (Thursday-Monday) I'm brining along 10 pairs of underwear just incase. That may sound extreme (and I assure you it really is) I'd rather me over prepared when it comes to underwear versus underprepared. As far as bras are concerned I usually bring the amount of days minus 1. So in this case I'll be bringing four bras including the one I wear on my way out of town.

2. Maxi Dresses: These are my go to for just about every thing. They are easy to pack, don't take up much space and can be dressed up or down depending on where you are going. I like to have 2-3 with me to give me some variety and options.

3. Bottoms: This really depends on where you are going. If you are going somewhere hot/tropical you obviously are going to want to bring shorts. I like to bring 2 pairs of shorts: 1 denim pair and the other a fancier/linen pair. This way I have options and can pair/match them with a tank, tee or nice shirt.

4. Two pairs of footwear and 1 pair of sandals: My footwear is always the biggest pain to pack because I never really know what mood I'm going to be in or where I'm going ahead of time. I tend to bring one pair of converses as my everyday sneaker, 1 pair of workout sneakers, and 1 pair of dressy cute sandals. Because of I had bad arches and need the support I don't bring flip flops because they end up causing me pain. You can pack flip flops to save you space. I bring a pair of Birkenstocks and can wear them to walk around just about anywhere.

5. Vitamins: I take daily vitamins to help manage my PCOS and because I like taking multi vitamins for any nutrients I may be missing because of my diet. I pack them (usually last) in a small plastic baggy and carry them in my purse. They are too many/too large to fit into those pill organizers but if you do have vitamins and they fit, I suggest getting those daily organizers to travel with. It will make your life so much easier.

6. Hair Products: I usually travel with my hair in a protective style so I don't bring many hair products with me. Usually a light oil for my scalp, and some edge control. If you are traveling I suggest getting carry on bottles and putting your shampoos, conditioners, oils, and stylers into these bottles so you don't get stepped by the TSA.

7. Electronics: This is always the most fun and most annoying part of packing, I'm often torn with disconnecting while I'm on vacation, and documenting for Instagram and vlogs. I think a healthy mix is obviously the best route to go, so I'll be trying that for this upcoming trip. But I do have a plethora of electronics that tend to come with me wherever I go.

  • Laptop + Charger
  • iPhone + 2 Chargers (1 regular/ 1 portable)
  • Digital Camera (this is the first trip I'll be traveling with 2 cameras... and I'm not excited about that)
  • Chargers + Extra Batteries for Digital Cameras
  • iPad (for reading)

8. Toiletries: Bring your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, facial cleanser, toner, and moisturizer because the last thing you want to do is look ugly in selfies or smell terrible while you travel.  Oh and no one wants to be around bad breath! I usually bring tampons, a nail filer, nail cutter, some cotton balls, and Tylenol in my toiletry bag as well just in case. And as I get older I realize just how important sun screen really is if I'm trying to look forever young... forever. So bring sunscreen and USE IT!

9. Sweater/Sweats/ Leggings: Again this definitely depends on where you are going with your girls on your weekend adventure, but I like to be safer than sorry. Pack a light sweater, hoodie or cardigan incase the weather changes up on you. I never forget having to buy extra socks in Chicago because the weather took a turn for the worst and my toes were in danger of frost bite. I always have a pair of leggings with me wherever I go because.. tuh... why not. And I tend to travel with sweatpants in general because they're comfy AF.

10. Tank tops/ Basic Tees: I bring 1-2 tees or tanks with me to serve as a top option for my shorts/leggings or to wear to bed. Either way... options and variety can't be a bad thing. They are also super light and easy to pack.

11. Pajamas: Unless you're going to a nudist colony, or you and your girls sleep in the buff pack some pajamas. I bring 1 pajama/ sleep shirt and sometimes I use my camis/tank tops and a pair of underwear as my pajamas for the night (most times). Whatever makes you most comfortable to sleep in is what you should bring.

12. Makeup: My girls and I aren't huge on makeup (I mean I do it way more often than they do) so I'm not packing a ton of it. Usually on vacation you don't want to be super dolled up (besides if you're going to like Las Vegas or Miami). Yes the Instagram pictures will come out dope no matter if you have Fenty Beauty or not... trust me. Some of my best/favorite vacation pictures are when I am bare faced acting a fool. If you are set on bringing makeup, I suggest bringing lighter options especially for the warmer months so your face isn't melting of by the end of the day. A light tinted moisturizer, mascara, lipstick/lip gloss, and eyebrow pencil should the trick for a natural glow.

There you have it. This is my list for what I'll be packing for Montreal (plus obviously my passport duh!) and is a pretty great round about list for any weekend girls trip getaway you may be taking in the near future. If you are going somewhere tropical (I'm jealous) or you intend on swimming you should also bring a bathing suit. If you plan on working out 1-2 workout outfits would also be pretty wise. Other than that this comprehensive list should serve as a great guide for your packing needs.

Hey there! I'm Melissa, co-founder of Trials n Tresses, natural hair and beauty lover, binge tv watcher and lover of life. When I am not creating content for TNT, I'm busy teaching the future of society.
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